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Quantum Computing and its Impact on Cybersecurity

Quantum computing’s ability to solve complex problems that are beyond the capabilities of the traditional computer renders it exceptional. While the quantum research community applauds the accelerated rate at which quantum computers are being developed; it is also a threat considering it can unravel the algorithms behind the encryption keys that protect the assets we hold most dear (like our data and the internet’s infrastructure).  It is estimated that within the next 3-5 years quantum computers will be able to break a 2048-bit number.  This remarkable breakthrough continues to erode the timeline, demonstrating the hastening approach of a new paradigm in security.


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Digital Dominance – Using Data as a Tactical Advantage


Digital dominance is all about using data as a tactical advantage in this new world of cyber actions and defense. Data, its management, analysis and reporting are the key towards maintaining the tactical edge in any organizational posture. Irrespective if the application is civilian or military in nature, digital dominance is at the core of a successful enterprise, homeland security and military force projection. In the case of homeland security and military the digital dominance can serve as a significant force multiplier in both defense and offensive measures.


Data is being generated at an incredible pace from within and outside our firewalls and is building up in our large and sometimes unwieldy data lakes. Data is being generated in vast amounts through the proliferation of computing devices across our networks, “edge sensors” like unmanned aerial vehicles, IOT sensors, mobile device and other smart devices. As our edge sensors propagate more on the field, the data collected should not only be used for tactical decisions but also harvested for long term comparison and intelligence analysis. Another source of data is the internet where actors use this global network for everything from communication to staging nefarious cyber actions. This source of cyber data not only needs to be captured but also sorted and analyzed with advanced automation to ensure we can take near real time actions to detect and mitigate any vulnerabilities. Despite the large advances we have made in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), a large amount of our data continues to be unleveraged because they are not identified, tagged or prioritized.


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Supply Chain Cybersecurity White Paper

Supply Chain Cybersecurity includes a complex of everyday operating issues affected by a network of known and unknown connections, services and components. This paper provides a strategic overview of the supply chain cyber     issues from the perspective of vendor operational security.


We examine the accelerating escalation of supply chain risks, leading to 2021 executive orders and vendor cyber certification requirements. Concise recommendations and links to frameworks and self-assessment resources provide a starting point for the journey to healthier supply chain


Co Authored By Maria Horton and Shivaji Sengupta who both serve on the AFCEA International Homeland Security Committee. This white paper is an output of the Innovation Technology Sub Committee under the Homeland Security Committee.
